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Morning Katangahan
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Every once in a while, a girl gets carried to the clinic in a stretcher. Every once in a while, I'll wonder how it feels to be that girl. Every once in a while, I wouldwish I was that girl. Every once in a while, I would wonder what one must do to experience fainting and eventually be shipped away in a stretcher.

Well, you know what they say: Be careful what you wish for, it might just come true.

Who exactly are they? Who exactly are being referred to when they (haha) say that THEY said this, they said that. Cliche's are always quoted after "They". Shall we name our kid They? I actually do have a busmate named Dey, but that's besides the point. If THEY say this, it doesn't mean that DEY said it, it means THEY said it, THEY are the majority, or probably the unlabeled geniuses of past and present? Then maybe, if the MAJORITY say it, then the majority are unlabeled geniuses? Then almost ALL of us are geniuses then? Not quite. The geniuses are the ORIGINAL, uh, sayer (!) of the quote. Well, THEY who said "Be careful what you wish for, it might just come true." are the REAL geniuses.

I wished for a stretcher, I got it. I'd have loved to prove the theory correct, if only the proof didn't hurt that much. I mean, THEY could have proved that THEY were right if they gave me the boy of my dreams (who I don't know the characteristics, mind you, for I don't have a type...anymore), or give me my own Nikon D80, or made me finish my new painting already, or, or, or anything but getting in a stretcher because of a sprained ankle!!!

Yes, I sprained my ankle, and as Trisha Lopez, my wonderful ballpen goddess of a seatmate, called it, it was mainly due to morning katangahan. No, not MAINLY, it was ALL because of morning katangahan. Let me tell you how it began, from the moment I set my (uninjured) foot inside the bus...

Tep was not there. I thought she was absent, and I believed so until later. Apparently I was wrong, but I didn't know that yet. Every morning, when we get to school, we stay by the red bench at the Grade 4 cluster. We wait for Nela and Alyssa, well, Nela mainly. Hahaha! I'm kidding, `La, you late bird. So anyway, I was sitting there like I do everyday. I was waiting for them like I do everyday. And I fell asleep...like I do everyday. But unlike everyday, Alyssa was not the one to eventually wake me up when Nela arrives. In fact, Alyssa, Nela and Tep weren't there! My lovely section 2 friends were at the morning mass! I can imagine how I looked like: a big girl sitting on the bench, with her head rested on the bench as well and her legs crossed. What a sight, eh? The next thing I knew a girl with long hair was waking me up, "Sweetheart, wake up, you're late for class." First thought: "Ha? Si Alyssa, sweetheart tawag sa`kin? Tae mo. Haha!", but then I saw the pretty long and straight and really fixed and brown hair, and I saw her made up face. Uh-oh. A teacher! It was Ms. Sharon waking me up. I saw the Gr. 4 girls lining up already for their morning talk, woah? I stood up abrubtly and walked to my bag. Unfortunately, in my haste, I didn't feel that my left leg was numb. Well, hell, how am I to feel it if it's numb? But the point is, I didn't KNOW it was numb. I took a step with my right leg, and as normal circumstances call, I followed it with my left. The stupid left foot didn't feel the floor when it landed and it just continued down...down. It didn't fall flatly, mind you, it was bent inwards. And, my leg being numb, I had no idea my left knee buckled already and so I fell on my fucked up ass. And my ass fell on my bent ankle! And all of a sudden, the numbness was (almost) gone and I felt the pain. Geez, wonderful timing to bring back the nerves much? I stood up, and well, I stayed standing up. It hurt so badly and it was partially numb still. The manongs were all around me and asked me what was up, it was humiliating. And I was alone. More humiliating.

And well, ako naman `tong martyr, nilakad ko pa hanggang HS building. Morning katangahan nga. I even carried my stupid stroller bag up the 2 flights of stairs, and I sat on the floor with a swollen ankle. I felt brave...I tried sitting indian style, and well, bravery wasn't much needed then. The pain was infuriating, I almost (ALMOST!) let out a yelp during the morning talk.

Martyr pa din, I had Chem, until I couldn't take it anymore...so Ms. Marah had a stretcher fetch me from the HS building. When I got to the clinic, they placed a hot compress on my foot, and I had nothing to do. I wanted to READ, but I couldn't because I wasn't smart enough to sneak a book inside my sweater. I fell asleep. And so, sleeping is NOW my friend for it saved me from boredom, when it was my enemy just an hour before. Next, they placed an ice bag on it. The chill was LITERALLY biting my skin that it woke me up. But I fell asleep again. Heh. They woke me up at around 12:30 to tell me that my Mom was on her way. She was picking me up and I wasn't going to return to the classroom. Huh? For a sprain? Apparently. (;

I read a book when I got home, and I slept, and I watched the Ateneo-La Salle game on TV. ONE BIG FRIED FIGHT EAGLES! Heh. One more win on Sunday! And now, I must go to bed. Shall I go to school tomorrow? The nurse said I must NOT. But I wanted to! I want to take the stupid Geom test already! I've missed Algeb and I don't want another test to miss. I will also miss debate? But why am I not preparign for it? Maybe, just maybe, I'm looking forward to not going to school? Oh, my. I must prepare now. IP progress report.

The plus side in all of these? I got to feel how it feels to be in a stretcher, albeit it was utterly humiliating (the kids were oogling at me, I had to put the blanket on my face).

And lastly, despite my use-umbrellas-as-crutches-because-I-didn't-accept-the-crutches-from-the-clinic phase, I'm managing because I have APPLE STRUDELS! Yum! I've eaten my fifth apple strudel 5 minutes ago, not healthy for my weight. (;


We Go By The Name Shakespeare. (Oh, crap.)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A dialogue, a poem, a work of literature, a work of expression, yet again not for impression. ;) Persmission was not gotten, here I shall ask. WOY. Forest! Ayos lang? Yep. May 2 akong bagong poems about...schoolwork (bloody, really) and something else I can't remember. Icon-less and busy. I shall go? I shall find and icon by Trish first. Or not? I am bold and he is in italics.

Forest. I fought with my sister

I was once a kid and a kid so bawd

And she was my sister, but only by blood

Fondess then dwelled and needs soon was met

A bond seemed unbreakable tightened our net

More than sisters we then are
For friends we're now marred

But then came yesterday

*waiting for kickass ending, hass to be compelling*

And it all flushed away


She took what was mine and kept it to be

Returned to the owner, the owner was me.

Yet fate was unfair, nor did it care

That what was unbreakable seemed beyond repair

Attitudes and wrath compelled me to see

Not the reason but what I thought would be

The truth of it all, yet still I am wrong

I am wrong but right is not what I'd wrong
I feel incomplete yet completeness won't come

For she's down to a sister, and only by blood.

Pucha. Haha. I am done. Impromptu poem. I shall not edit.

That is that

We fight.

In the matters of Christianity I am not cevout


I never gave a damn on what The Beatitudes were about

And now you're not to study?

Let fail what what's there to see?

Offer not but what is there
And add not to what's your share?

The Church I believe is a juct a joke

But I admire one "sacred" bloke

His name his Jesus, here's what he said

He said what he wanted, he said what was sacred?

"Forgiveness, not punishment is what you get when you are dead"

When shall doth die, and when must be bread

Buried in hell, or is the concept now mad

For hell'll cease to exist if forgiveness will clad

Hell isn't so bad

says this angelic lad

But what of forgiveness?

the hell to it


Then rhyme is now beat and rhyme must not sit

With our words jumbled to become a big fit?

I'd like to leave this world of shit and fuck

but the constant pleas and begs of others got me quite stuck

"we need you" they say

well you cann all kiss my ass

I wanted a word that sounded like May

your lies just get more pathetic everyday

and sorrow plus tears come as days pass

For May is the month of wonderful play

A pass of what sort? One shall need to ask?

I devoured soup that tasted so sour

A Filipino dish every family share at supper

My digital link to the fast paced world


I want to be in an accident

Detached and soon attached once more and so ...gourld?

An accident as such shall not be decent

get hit by a car


fall down the underworld, down till they see

that you will be missed, the bringer of glee?

no, just on the concrete vloor


And walk out the door?

Turn thy back on everyone and leave till the end?

no, just a hospital bed and a clicking machine

Why desire to be risked if to be saved is what's next?

Shall you be one of those in pretentious context?

and regret
is what I wish to induce

a fate that would make some people regret what they choose

the fling or the one that would love you forever

Such fate, you should refuse. Forever is lost for now and for never

forever with her, gone

Forever it is, for gone is the one.

The one is alone and the one shall not change

the one who to me is as bright as the sun

was, at least

The sun is alone and the one must be too, they might be one and the sun must be blue?

the sun SHOULD be blue and I shouldn't care

The moon will turn yellow and we shall be bare

but I love her from her toes to her hair

A whole being that I must love has not yet appeared.

that being that you seek should not be waited on but feared

Why so?

when he gets bored with you another heart he shal seek

he will leave you, sad, defenseless and weak

with bleeding eyes and exploding ears

and no one to tell your deepest fears

give up on love that's what I say

love can suck my dick and stay away, stay away

I shall want to learn from others' mistakes

But then my heart must be at stake

It will never be hurt

Nor will it be recepient of curt

It will remain pure and never blemished

But what of an innocent heart if love was not once dished?

but do not listen to this bitter, young boy

A boy who felt it and now is what coy?

he is sad, lonely and losing his joy

he is bitter and bare of the sweet lines he had

Finish the line you began in this sad

of together forver and forever will I be your lad

Shall I have a lad of my own to conquer me all?

the green side of me from my groin starts to crawl

and he shall say that females are only good for sex

The blue side shall win the ball-centered brawl

they should be there when the manhood becks

fuck is what we should do he says

Manliness is ironic and not as I deemed it may

It meant being weak

that;s not what I think I must confess


Being a man is chivalrous and not at all toguh


if it is not then I am here to ring the bell

Begin with a line that tough sounds like well

the bell that will sound the start of a revolution

of gentle manliness and courtesy evolution

I shall want one that's with courtesy

But to fall for one will invade my ecstasy

For my liking tends to bend

ecstatsy the green one ponders

Towards the ungrateful and improper end

as he imagines what he feels under the bed covers

You shall not think of the evil color

For blue must reign with victor

In the morrow, it must be decided


The decision must be for the one with whom I sided

Blue Eagles Spelling!


The tremendous cheer would suit it well.

For blue-blooded crowds will end it swell

Win with the ball in a fair dwell

Emotions have poured in a rhyming string

Of words so wonderfully combined with fling

I give up

I shall too. For all our words are mixed and...shut up.

Shit's up.

Done and not done but done yet the same.


I give up on this petty thing calle dlife

* called life

its confusing and full of strife

It is so for we deem it so

If it's seen differently the change will blow

The mind of the one who said it was such

That is all I can say, I say that much

from you my death is a life wasted

but I am just a cutout, on the wall once pasted

Pasted with people, and people of worth

Your worth is more that what I can think's worth

I repeat and not think

people who knew I was going to die since the second of my birth

For to think need the brink.

But too soon must it not occur

I'll be going to a party and a rope is my chauffeur

The rope you must hold, the rope you must control

The chauffeur is you and none but you all

I tell the chauffeur where I want to go

around my neck and tied tightly

The rope can not drive

drive me to suffocation he can

But to kill it can strive.

And when news of your death approach myself

I shall take the rope and untangle the commiter of theft

The theft of your life shall then return

The life it doth stole and you shall not burn

too late you shall be

Too late I must not be

And with homework I shall not delay

Or I'll spend the rest of my days at array

bianca: I shall leave and publish a poem


I made under the pressure of a heart so solemn


I wrote in English Class
Monday, September 24, 2007

I wrote in English class, and I, not once, did recite, not did I take down note. I was in a panic mode, I needed to write. I wrote about English class, I listened not to English class. It's a free verse. No meter, just rhyme. A work that's pressed by time. Tis a work to express and not impress. Forgive the weakling, for sense was excluded from my existence

During Her English Class

The beads of cold, inclement, ice
Crashed against plastic, resounding stale rice
Against the thin flat surface
Of the roof it does graze
Tiptapping so quickly
Landing, yet with immediacay splattering clamorously
She wanted it in words, she wanted it written
She looked around and desired what was smitten
By sweetness yet overflowing bitterness
And irony yet none seemed best
She sighted a notebook
With colors worthy of a look
No, a look exceeding the second look
The swirling and patterns
Made her brain rush to a panicked tavern
She wrote until her pen was merely
An istrument that's got ink to dispose merrily
She shook her head to push away
The sounds of voices and sights of May
Her stomach clenched as her mind soon went
Blankly to a place she kept unconscious,
A part she kept then
A state where all her truths
Are buried in a forgotten pile of soot
The true conqueror of herself
The persons whose hands achieved the theft
The persons whose beings imprisoned her heart
The persons no one must know
The persons none will be privileged to know as art
Hid behind the barrier of a pretty red bow
And then she listened to the clam
After a furious rickety realm
Was subjected to a stubborn chill
Brought by the rain ending the still
The air bit her skin foreshadowing
That the omen that thunder and lightning
Is afoot and are set to invade
The place of sanctuary and so she bade
The secluded peace enclosing her secret treasures
A sweet goodbye, and barred the cry
Of denial trapped in her larynx
Escaping the riddle thrown by a virtual sphynx
She was beautiful as a rose,
Attempting not to be the serpent that shall arose
For nothing that is is not
And to be is as unwanted as to be got

PS, I'm not sure if I've already used that icon.

Lots to do (ALL DUE TOMORROW!):
[ ] Filipino Script
[x] Envi. Ed. Reflection
[ ] Chemistry Unit Test 1
[ ] History Quiz
[ ] Geometry LP3
[ ] Memorize Pilates steps, make visual aids
[ ] Docu Progress Report --bukas na!--
[ ] Docu Budget Proposal --AFTER studying Chem na!--
[ ] Read Noli 30-36
[x] 2x2 pic for Basketball
[x] Birth Certificat for Basketball
[ ] Report Card for Basketball


Me? Tall?
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

When you lived your life as a girl of height, you're not used to seeing people taller than you. When you go to malls and see people about your height, or even taller, you tend to stare and be awed. When you see people taller than you, you feel small. And, mind you, feeling small is a very rare feeling when you're a girl of 5'7.5". If you are, let's presume, a boy, that height is pretty average. For a girl though...HAHA. Tore ka na. Given that, you could already guess pretty much how I felt when I was surrounded by tall girls. And not just tall girls--I'm a tall girl, they're not tall. They're really tall. When? About 4 hours ago. Yes, about four hours ago. We played a game, a tune-up game with Faith!
I have never seen so many White people all clumped together here in the Philippines. Well, I've never been to an IS school, period. So imagine my, uh, jitters when I saw all these vertically long girls running around their gym. My, my? And I thought I was tall. Yes, that exactly. It's pretty much like being in an American movie, seeing all these whites together. I'm still NOT used to it! They're tall and they're fast and they're good. Wonderful. The score was around 54-38, 16-point difference? Well, hell. But! Ms. Nen said that we did pretty well defending, all we REALLY, REALLY have to do is RUN! RUN! RUN! I need to learn how to run. I wish the AA Sports Complex will be done soon, I want a wooden court. I want a REAL gym. The multi is so...multi-purpose! A real sports complex might be nice. Back to the game, I played 5. I didn't score :-( This is REALLY the first time I've experienced having arms all over my face, that's usually me, the supposedly tall person, who does that. But since they were WAY tall and vertically long, they did THAT to me! Freaky. When I had the ball, and I was going to shoot it, all I could see were arms all over the place! Arms, arms, arms! Correction, LONG, WHITE, ARMS. God, I'm such a racist? But it's just so cool. It's like being in the States or something, but then that would've felt better. When I see white people with black and all the other races together, it's normal. The country's the melting pot of the whole frigging land mass...and seeing them there is pretty average. But here? In the Philippines? All clumped together? It's a huge...well. Haha.
I can't finish the post. I have to go. Bye. No ICON.


Rubber Bands Are The Worst Creations To Ever Be Created
Sunday, September 16, 2007

Oh my f***ing god, it hurts like hell (!!!). It's been months since I actually needed that telltale Ponstan that's been kept in that (only) zipped part of my lovely pink luggage school bag. And it's been ages since I missed a meal. (Proper diet, proper diet!) It's been ages since I slept in until 12 noon. It's been ages since my braces made me wish I didn't have them. (I usually don't think of them being there anymore, they're part of my mouth already.) It's been ages since something like today happened. I woke up at around past 4 in the morning because my stupid cell phone had the recurrent alarm turned on. Why did I not turn it off for weekends? I guessed that I'd be sleeping until late, late, late because it's the first time in months that I had a free day, or free Sunday. You know what, I actually believe that weekends are only Sundays, because I do take Saturday classes (painting!), and then I'll have to go to wherever my siblings take their Saturday classes (Ice Skating and OT, and in a few weeks, soccer). Yeah, Sundays are my only free hours. Anyway, I sent good luck with ACET messages then slept again...and on and on again...and on and on again...and dreamt of so much. I dreamt the there was some natural calamity that happened in AA, and that we were part of the good-guys group. The bad guys were at the Grade 6 & 7 building, and one of them was Chick. We went to the building to "rescue" the victims, and our protection was our deep red gowns. Chick, my cousin, couldn't touch us because we were wearing the red gowns that we used for her wedding, and uh, sentimental value? I also dreamt that after that little calamity, peace returned and the storms were gone, and we were having our HS assembly at the penthouse. I dreamt that one of my teammates (can't remember who) lost both hands, that's because of the microwave. She went downstairs to look for somthing to eat when the radioactive rays from the microwave did something to her hands. The next morning, she woke up with black hands (Dumbledore, eh?), and she went to school without hands. Eek? :-s Izkurry. Whatever, I also dreamed the there was a stage at the Peace Garden, and people were gathered there. Some lottery or raffle of sorts was taking place, and my old crush-slash-friend was the emcee. Yay, cool. There were other scenes, such as poor kids lining up at the AA gate, and somebody having the same stroller bag as I do--except the color is lavander, and I mistaked it for my own, etc., but I can't remember what went on, really.

Now, back to my (sad) reality. I woke up at 12 with an aching back and aching teeth. (Braces!!!) I wanted to take in Ponstan already, but Mom said I had to eat. I "ate" Swiss Miss, and I looked for my (dear) Ponstan, but the (screw-up) capsules just weren't there anymore! I only have one pocket inside my bag (I think it's for those personal things when you travel) and all I saw were green and pink threads (they're Nela's, I used it to make bracelets, but I haven't returned them yet), a folded piece of a 1/4 sheet (with drawings/sketches of my soon-to-be prom dress), a nail cutter (in the shape of a pig), and some random ballpen that doesn't have ink anymore. Now where is that Ponstan when I needed it? Lost, probably frolicking in the midst of books and notebooks. I simply did not have the heart to actually take out (all) my books and look for that fateful little pill. I'm hurting. And I can stand it (Ha, sinong niloko ko? Takte, ang sakit.)
Yesterday, I didn't paint because we were pressed for time. I had to have my third ound of injections for cervical cancer immunity. (O Impe, hindi pala HIV. HAHA. Sorry, cervical cancer.) And my siblings needed to have their respective injections too. I also had my back checked for scoliosis (NEGATIVE!!!), but I'll have to continue using my stroller because if I use a backpack, I might develop it. You are the music in me...nananana (Sorry, narinig ko lang.) Moving on, I then went to Galle.

Am I allowed to say why I was at Galle? Well, compromise. I was supposedly going to trick GIRL into going to Galle, where BOY is waiting to surprise her, to make up for things he did or did not do. (Is this right?) But, GIRL didn't really want to go, I told GIRL I was there already. So GIRL pulled SISTER with her, and they went to GALLE where BOY was waiting. SISTER asked me where I was, because SISTER didn't want to be a third wheel. Whoops, but I was at Med City! My, my. What a mess. I told BOY that SISTER was with them, so BOY told me I simply had to go to Galle too. It's a beautiful thing that my own sister, Arianne, happened to want to go to Bestsellers! Ha! So I went to Galle. I met with GIRL and SISTER, and I pulled SISTER with me and I bought Pilates bands. BOY and GIRL frolicked in the green, green grass, under the rays of the sparkling sunshine walked around the mall and ate at KFC. SISTER and I stayed at Ice Monster, catching up with each other. SISTER handed over a green paperbag (Haha, okay, giveaway na to for their identities) and a piece of folded yellow paper with white sheets inside. (THANK YOU!!!) And my Mom said we had to go home (or to the dentist rather), and so I brought SISTER to GIRL, and said my darlings good-bye.
Then I went to the dentist, slept at the clinic, and had the time of my life. New wires, new rubbers, perfect braces after weeks of mistreated braces (I kept on eating hard food!) And then my (sad) reality happened, teeth hurt, stomach churning, back aching. Time of my life, my ass!!!. Rubber bands are the worst things that could ever graze the fields of my mouth! What's the best? (Eww.)

I'd read Macbeth already. I simply have to. Whatever happened to the ACET-takers? How are you faring? Well I...I wanna have mine! I. Want. College. NOW. (:


Friday, September 14, 2007

I've been thinking of several things, I've been writing, I've been doing homework, I've been tired. I can't really post something worth reading mainly because my thoughts are all jumbled and I can't remember what I was thinking the past days. I'm probably wasted, well, fine, and hyper. I've been eating too much chocolates, I've been playing basketball (which I have to seriously learn how to!), I've been eating nothing but things with cheese or potato in it (Ehem, ham&egg sandwich and lasagna), I've been a wee bit boring. Who am I kidding? I am boring. One positive thing is, I'm having a really, really good relationship with my parents. Give and take, compromise, loving them is so nice. I don't sneak out, I'm not planning to. I was actually tempted, but I resisted! Congratulate me.

I have a new best friend aside from Alyssa, Tep and Pam. You know who? Molten GG6. No idea who? Me neither, or at least I used to not. Now, it's in my hands. It's something I have to grope and be familiar with. Okay, it's the womens' basketball...ball. It's wonderful, and I have to get to know her (her yan!) by heart, memorize every line, every curve...yikes, emo. That's it.

I've been writing a story. As of now, I'm not even done with the girl's character map. She's into a lot of things that I am, just so I can write better. Probably instead of blogging, I'll put my thoughts in her perspective and finish that story. You think? Well, hell. I'll blog about my life, and I'll put my random thoughts and insights in the story. Love Ain't My Mathematics is the title, no plot yet. Any ideas? Anyway, I have to go and bond with AA's Molten GG6. Sorry the blog's short and unsubstancial.


Where's the Fox?
Monday, September 03, 2007

The BEST patintero team ever--BLACK TEAM! >:)

The Losers. JOKE LANG. Haha! White team.

Let the games begin >:)

Okay, hindi ako makatawid sa point guard. HAHAHA! :))

Ito na, talo na kami. Ang dami nang prisoners sa agawan base. :((

This, loves, is the Assumption Forensics Society (minus Ayesa, Kyla, Tin and Karyza)
(L to R: Bee, Idonna, Angela, Krystella, Issa, Veronica, Khisby, Maxinne, Divine, Vivien, Cara, Sir, Rica, Regine)

This, is what happens when you wait at the guard. HAHA. (;

Maxinne, Vivien, Angela, RicaIssa and Krystella at the assembly hall, waiting for the motions and groupings to be given.

This is us buying shirts. I'm looking at somethingone. HAHA. (Rica, alam mo to?)

This is me depressed while buying fat fast food.

All the pictures came from Cara and Mara J.

After watching the Music and Me concert, we went to the Multi to gather ourselves before going to DLSU. We left around 50 minutes behind schedule because the teachers did something, so there. We watched Fantastic Four with my fabulous uh, busmates for a day--Vivien, Angela, Maxinne, Issa, Rica and the oh, so, awesome SCAA Secretary/Treasurer (Ano ba? Hindi ko maalala! HAHA!), Regine. We saw the debaters of Round 2, and we sat in the adjudication. We went then to the Assembly Hall to listen to motions and pairings of teams. Among the participants were Xavier, ICA, BIS, UST, CSA, SSC, Southridge, Ateneo de Naga, Claret, Philippine Science and I can't remember anymore. Each pair of AFS members must go observe one debate of the third round. Everyone gave their rooms, everyone but Rica and I. We spent 30 *f*cking* minutes looking for the hawt adjudicator's room. HAHA. And he's so cute. After that, we chatted with the SSC girls of the room (SJ107), and this guy from Claret I sort of met earlier talked to them. Small world. Yay. Then we went to McDo to grab dinner as it was SO VERY late (7 PM, we were supposed to leave 5:30 PM). And off we were home.

Today, we played Patintero and Agawan Base (Filipino games for postponed Linggo ng Wika). HAHA. FUN. Then we played basketball from 2:30 PM - 7:00 PM. 5:30 - 7 was training, the rest of the time was just fun, fun, fun no-play stuff.

I'm WAY too tired to blog. Next post will be a shadow of Forest's blog posts about emo and life and love.


Don't You Know Who I Think I Am?


Bianca Ruiz;
Assumption Antipolo;
Ateneo de Manila University;
Management Engineering;
Occupation: Professional sleeper; Addiction: The faded era of the orange ball & persuation & color pigments;
True Addiction: Me&You.

Out To Me

Double Dead

I Constantly Thank God For Esteban Hearts

* scent of paint
* Books (with the S)
* Debate!
* Basketball (End Here)
* Tickets and jellybeans
* Reese's
* sofas
* Da Vinci, Monet, Progress, Progressive
* loving && much more loving
* Touch screen @-)
* Candy && Chocolate Bars && String Cheese!

Desperate For Attention

Scalpels && Knives

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In Case Of Emergency . . .

Exit doors are to your left and to your right.
Airisa Molaer
Andy Andes
Belle Rodolfo
Bernice Cruz
Cara Chongco
Deirdre Camba
Giyay Santiago
Irene Zuniga
Isa Salazar
Lara Villaluz
Maan Nitura
Marga Ambrosio
Maxx Dompor
Meryl Marcojos
Micah Matic
Pat Aquillo-Tan
Reichelle Carlos
Trina Pineda
Veve Alastre

Blast From The Past