Before I write my overly awsome story for English (Blah.), I'll write a letter to my forever-gone hair that I let go of yesterday. My overly long (and not to mention hard to brush) dark, dark, semi-rebonded locks. Imagine the Dekada '70 book. See its length? Multiply that by 2.5 and that's the amount of hair that's now gone from my head. Long, yeah? Now, I'm a girl with an apple head. And it's not even the nice kind of apple, it's the normal-looking apple. But I still kinda like it. It's not the hair that I want though, it's some sort of a starter. I couldn't bring myself to cut my hair like Sarah of ANTM just yet, not straight from my waist-length hair. That's suicide. Massive lock suicide. At least when I cut it in three weeks, (THAT length), I can say that I didn't cut so much of my hair and that I didn't torture it in such a sudden manner. I'll name my hair...
Lemon. And just to make it believable, I'll refer to it as if it
was is a person. This is my
love letter.
Dear Lemon,
I took my chances with you. I've always wanted someone like you. Even as a child when I was stuck with an apple-shaped head without any resemblance of girly locks as some sort of a reassurance that I was a girl, I've wanted you.
When I was a sophomore, I experimented with hundreds (...okay, maybe just a few) hairstyles to see what fits me best. I made mistakes, disastrous mistakes. I committed mistakes that I regret up to now, but they're all learning experiences. They're learning experiences that led me to you. You who fulfilled all my girliest dreams. It didn't happen all at once. Hair-growing is tedious work. It took the whole of sophomore year and the whole of what has been my junior year to have you by my side. I decided to do all that I can to have you when I was a sophomore. I did NOT cut my hair.
When summer before my junior year came, we grew close. We're so close that I refused to have that evil hairstylist cut you. You began to be there for me whenever I needed you, whenever I needed a reassurance that I am happy. You were there. There, just there.
And soon, when school began, I realized that I have gone so attached to you. I can't bear to lose you so I did all that I can to keep you with me. I tried to make you happy, and you were contented. I was contented. I never intended to lose you. Or keep you until Prom, at least. It was my dream to have long, curly locks for prom. I wanted locks that would reach my waist, and make me feel like a fucking princess.
But now, prom's over. It was hard to please you, for you're stubborn. You don't cooperate. You don't give a damn that I'm miserable every time I brush you. You with tangled ends and splits and what the fuck. I was tired of keeping you with me when you don't even have the initiative to be smooth and easy to brush. It has always been me, me, me and me who keeps up with your demands while you do nothing but sit pretty. All my friends told me to cut you off, but not entirely of course. Just a little trim to make you realize that I can decide too. But nah, I didn't listen to them. I believed that I can still tame you, put a lot of conditioner here and there and a few salon treatments and you'd be back to normal. But no, I didn't have time to do that. You didn't want that.
So yesterday, I finally decided to let go. Let fucking go of you. I saw you on the floor. All fifteen inches or so of you. It felt good. I felt bare. I felt like I lost a part of my life that had been my identity for the whole of junior year. Then I realized all the troubles that you gave me. And then I smiled, God has planned something far greater for me. And it's not with you. It's with the overly short and incredibly posh 'do that I'll have three or four weeks from now. That is, if my mother allows me to get it. But now, I've let go of you. I smile. I don't hold my neck and look for my hair anymore. You're too hard to hold on to, and I learned to let go.
When we were kids, we were taught how to do the close-open. Klos-opin, klos-opin, according to our maid. And through that little trick, we learned to distinguish when to hold on...
...and when to let go.
Yesterday morning, the first thing I heard was "We had the right love at the wrong time." And yes, I loved having you, styling you. But Nina's correct, it's the wrong time. I just don't have the patience to deal with brushing you every single day. Even my parents approve of me letting go of you.
I'll miss you. I know you'll be back. You'll grow back. And I'll take you back with open arms. But as for now, now that you're not yet back, now that you have no plans of being back just yet, I'll have lots of fun with this short do and the even shorter do that'll soon occupy my crown. Well, it IS gonna look like a crown coz it'll be DEAD SHORT.
With love,
Hindi niyo kasi naiintindihan ang ibig kong sabihin.
Maiintindihan niyo rin yan ako, kapag naranasan niyong maputulan ng ganun kahabang buhok. AFTER spending the other parts of your life as a girl with the apple hair.
Wait, before I go, I just have to say. When Chicosci performed in boxers last night, I saw that Miggy had HOT HOT HOT (albeit gay) legs. :"> I CRUSH.
*Typos, not checked. Sarry. Forgive. Rushing to do English.