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Coffee Princess
Monday, April 28, 2008

My break from strenous activity was prolonged unexpectedly. I slept at 4:30 AM last night this morning, unaware of time because of the infamous Twilight (which was disappointing but I should get to that later on). I would be lying if I said I did that out of the impecable ability to remain awake. I drank coffee, of course. Without really needing to. I drank it merely because we seemed to be lacking Swiss Miss, and I so very much craved for the peppermint I usually add to the hot drink. So I settled for coffee. Which made me VERY uneasy.

My sleep wasn't good, it wasn't good at all. It was awful. I couldn't help but realize that I was half-awake the whole time, while dreaming about vampires (THANKS A LOT, Ms. Meyer). When I woke up, I was waiting for the alarm to sound. Although I'm not quite sure if that could be counted as "waking up", since I didn't really "sleep" at all. (What, I'm turning into a vampire now?) The alarm didn't sound, screw that. I checked the time, 7:17. OF ALL THE GOD-GIVEN MISFORTUNES. :| I had set the alarm for 7:20. Anyway, I woke up from the cold. (I'm ignoring the improper use of "wake up".) I was shivering, but I was sweating. I was freezing under the scrutinizing breeze, but I was burning from the heat. What. The. Hell. I had an internal battle whether or not to rise up and take a bath and get ready for training. My Mom told me not to train. That I should rest. I did as I was told. But not before taking my phone to text Coach...only to find a text message that says training was cancelled. So much for missing training. :P I think I owe fate big time. I'll try to repay you, you kiss of death.

Anyway, I didn't sleep. I decided to write. I'm itching to write a story. Just to get the words and metaphors out of my system and into something actually worth reading. Not a blog entry that's an excuse to get streams of words out. Oh MAN. But I need a plot! I desperately need a plot. And I need to learn more about the natural goings-on of an average person's life. Mine is way too constricted. Or I can write about that. Oh well, whatever. I won't have time to write that anyway.

Moving on, Twilight. It wasn't as good as they promised it would be. I was disappointed. Now, that's an understatement. It was a beautiful love story. It used sarcasm very wisely, too. But I couldn't help but compare it with works I've read before...OVER THE INTERNET. Well, that was an unfair comparison. But the sarcasm... Hmm, or maybe it's the plot. It's a cliche, which is maybe the point. The only outstanding fact was that he was a vampire. But other than that... All the rest are fairly plain. But I'm reading it. Reading it because it got me hooked, coz cliches usually do that to me. :P And I'm reading the sequel(s), because I can never bear reading something and not finishing it. It feels like I'm depriving myself of entering another world. It's like I'm getting a grasp of a cake, but only tasting the garnishing before indulging myself fully. It leaves me hanging. Wanting for more to read.

Which is precisely why I'm signing off right now to read The Chronicles of Narnia. WHY CAN'T I READ ONE OF MY READING LIST'S BOOKS INSTEAD? Oh, right, I'm totally broke. :P

PS, due to the unwanted response my body suddenly collapsed into, I now hate coffee. Unless of course, it's exam day and it morphs into my best friend once again.


Health-O Screams
Friday, April 25, 2008

As I saaaaid, today is the only day since April 7, 2008 (and shall go on and on until May 31, 2008) that I can acquire a shut-eye until the sun is way above our heads, so I'm making the most out of it. Translation: narrating observations.

Really, I used to imagine my house as a place where good food reigns. Good, healthy, body-friendly and tongue-friendly indulges. It should have a kitchen with sweet, sweet oats, pasta that is most definitely NOT 95% oil, pizza that isn't composed of fat-inclusive ingredients, my Mother's home-made cookies and pies, and warm tea for the adults (as Migo puts it, but really, I drink tea and much to my dismay, I'm not considered an adult just yet).

But all good things must co-o-ome to an end, co-o-ome to a end.

Thanks to my god damned grandmother, the health freak in me is in riots. (And I'm just using that term of endearment to express my disappointment, she isn't really damned by our generous God) I know, I know, you can point fingers and scream that my diet is not exactly as healthy as Isa's is, but hell, at least I don't drink ice cream or splurge on chips and grease. I actually eat healthy food, when I get into my senses and actually eat that is. But that's besides the point. Yesterday, I found an almost-empty bottle of 1.5 litres of EVIL Coke-Zero snuggled within the cold realms of our refrigerator.

Coke. Fucking. Zero.

Soft drinks, in the Ruiz refrigerator. For a while, I thought my health-freak of a mother had gone insane. There's softdrinks in our refrigerator? I thought my father bent his rules against softdrinks after 17 years of its strict implementation.

Until tonight, that is. Migo, my darling of a little brother, opened the Frigidaire* refrigerator today and found Coke Light inside. What, it's not Zero anymore? What's next? Real live Coke? For crying out loud.

Migo: Uy! Coke!
Nanay Lily: Binili yan ng Nanay...sa tindahan sa baba *grins like a proud sheep*
Migo: Hindi kaya. Si Ate Nene bumili nito.
Nanay Lily: Ako.
Migo: Nakita ko kaya siyang bumili.
Me: *faked snorts to conceal my laughter*
Nanay Lily: But it's my money. I bought it.
Me: Nooo. Si Ate Nene bumili, kaya hindi ikaw ang bumili.
Arianne: ...

:)) CULPRIT DETECTED. The names of my LOVING PARENTS are cleared! THANK GOD. For a moment, I thought I lived in a different galaxy.

I do solemnly swear that if I see one more additional bottle of soft drinks in my father's Frigidairei* refrigerator, I will confront the Supreme Authorities (aka parents) at once.

*Frigidaire got me LAUGHING like crazy. =)) I never knew it was a friggin' brand. I thought it was SLANG for refrigerator, for crying out loud. :)))))))) Until I saw the brand name on the refrigerator. I stopped laughing and felt like an idiot. :| THANKS A LOT, MEDIA.


Today's the first day in more than 2 weeks that I slept in. Fine, 3 weeks. I used to wake up DEAD EARLY (dead early, I tell you) for 2 whole weeks. Weekends included. :)) And now, for the FIRST TIME IN ALONG WHILE...

I slept till noon. Do you KNOW how GOOD that feels? Ohhh woooow.

And that shall not happen again till God knows when. June 1, I guess? Tomorrow, house blessing. Sunday, MASS and AFC fest (I intend to watch my sister, thank you very much) :P Monday, training, April 29-May 5: 3G League, May 5-May 31: Reviews. Now, you may say...WHAT ABOUT SUNDAYS? I go to mass 7:30 AM on Sundays.

But I (think) I love what I'm doing...so yeah. I want to write; really, I do. I just can't. Time's just too pissed with me it ran off with some random stranger who had a motorcycle and a black leather jacket. Okay, metaphor not intended to insult.

I shall catch up with you guys as soon as I can. :*

I'm scared. OF A LOT OF THINGS. So are you.

Que sera, sera.

PS, if you want to watch ANY of the games (3G league), tell us! ANYONE OF US--the team--coz you can't enter unless you're on the list. And to get on the list, Coach needs to send your name over to them. SO YEAH.


Sunday, April 13, 2008

In the midst of eating mangoes, potatoes, Snyder's of Hanover (no, this isn't colored yellow), and lots and lots of water, I found myself reading Reason and Romance ( by Myrika @ FictionPress). I stumbled upon a line that had me nodding and raising my eyebrows. :)) Thought I'd share it with all of you teenagers out there.

And that was when she truly knew what it meant to be a kid. She could rant all she wanted, but they were deaf to her complaints, no matter how valid the complaints were. -Adrian Blake

And damn me to hell if that's not true. :> Yes, yes, yes, teenagers are idealistic. And the youth are have crazy ideas. But don't you guys get it? We've got so much crazy antics up our sleeves it just might work.

All hail crazy.

(And boo to the tradition-whores who call themselves adults. Kidding, not all of them are that bad. :P Just some random middle-aged women with rolls of fat in their stomachs. Maybe. And oh, I just learned, Maybe always means yes. Do read Carl Hiassen, his books are overflowing with incredible wit it knocks me off my feet.)


Hold Up
Saturday, April 05, 2008

Exactly when I got to fix everything with the two supreme authorities of my short life (next to the creator, of course), she just had to open up all the wounds and rip the peace off their chests.


Now it's back to square one. Back to the cold shoulder and the silent treatment and the check ups with how I'm doing. I FIXED IT, MAN. It took me 2 whole months to bring back what I lost due to that rather unfortunate misinterpretation that little tribal gods whipered to Supreme Authority #1's head, which enraged Supreme Authority #2. 2 WHOLE MONTHS. Gone to waste.

All because she had to dip her dirty fingers into my affairs. My personal affairs.

It's a cycle, really. You mess up, you fix it, somebody messes it up for you, you mess it up again coz you have no more strength to go on, and realize you need to fix it so you do, then someone brings it up again. And so on. I should make a bracelet with colors symbolizing the big, big cycle, you know. And tie it around my wrist to remind me that it's a continuous circle. When you reach the dead end, you start again from the, well, dead beginning? LOL.

Anywayyyy. No names, love. So I'm not violating their code of honor or their dignities or hurting their pride. That's their duty. Apparently. To get the scoop and like little paparazzis jump and run off to the Supreme Authorities like excited little toddlers who found out that Santa gave them a Barbie Doll.

My point: My life, I fix it, she ruined it again for me. I can fix it without her help, thank you very much. At the rate things are going, she just shattered whatever peace I establish.


This is me, and let me live my life the way I want to. I'm not telling you how to live yours, I'm just telling you to get the FUCK out of my life. You're DONE. And yes, I said FUCK again. I CUSS. FACE IT. I'm not your perfect little English Rose. I'm much more than that.


For the first time in my whole entire life, my card has been held. :|

Thanks for teaching me a valuable lesson, never trust anyone. >:D< You're the best. (Yes, sarcasm is handy at times. To think I defended you.)

P.S. I'mNotRuiningYourFaceOrYourReputation,IDidn'tEvenSayWhoYouAre.IfYou'reGuilty,That'sYourProblem. :P Have a nice life. (Again, sarcasm IS handy.)

P.P.S. I'm not violating my blog rights. You violated mine. :P


Thursday, April 03, 2008

Are you a Filipino? Come see this, then.
Well, actually, whether or not you're a Filipino, you can still click and watch.

I have no idea how this can be considered a PROTEST. I honest to goodness am quite amused, and sordidly ashamed of this, how do I put it, idea of a joke? I don't know what to make of it, this dancing-to-protest? I can't see the "interpretetiveness" of the Interpretative Dance. Am I alone in this? Or are all my other countrymen raising their eyebrows?

Well, there IS something positive here. They filled my afternoon with genuine laughter. At least they got part of what they aimed for--attention. Just not the way they wanted to get it. Sorry.

Wait a minute. This is quite disturbing. I don't know how we can turn everything into a joke. Well, it's a feat we've mastered quite well, given that we're the best entertainers in whatever bright lights city is in at the moment. Congratulations.

One thing's missed though. There's a time and place for singing and dancing. And it's not protesting. Politics is a serious matter here and for the rest of the world, albeit the fact that it's a business here in the Philippines. And our ability to treat something so serious with such, what's the word? Such, hmm, an attitude of optimism (not to good kind) is just mediocre and shameful. :| We're as bad as the politicians who sing jingles during their campaigns. If you compare the campaigns in the States and here, you'd probably bow your head in shame. There, Clinton and Obama and what have you are delivering speeches and shit. Here, they sing and dance. Ja-ja-ja-jamby! What have you. Oh yeah, I forgot. Politics is a business. =))

In the movie Chinatown, the lead actor (who I fail to remember by name) said at the end, "Hey, it's Chinatown."

All I can say about this exhibit of ignorance (forgive the harsh reality of the words, amen) is this: Hey, it's the Philippines.

Then again, maybe I'm the ignorant one.

Bless us.

Oh, I forgot to tell you. I first saw this in PerezHilton.com, under the category SILLY. Thanks a lot.


Gender Roles
Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I had a dream. We figured out the male counterpart of Six Steps To A Girl. BUT GOD, I FORGOT WHAT THEY WERE. :| I swear, it was reasonable. All I remember was "TOYS" and...and...GOD I CAN'T REMEMBER. :| Dream with me again, toys? :)) Rarr. ANYWAY. Frustration over that dream (Revenge is a dish best served cold, we gotta know, y'know?) led to Chezka's and Anna's multiplies. :> THUS...


1. You're a girl, right?
Yes, surr.

2. Have you kissed any one on your top list?
What's a top list? Maybe, if we have the same top list in mind.

HEY where's 3? Ass, favorite pa naman ni Chei yun >:)

4. Do you enjoy drama?
Yeah. Sarry. =)) Coffee Prince killed my 2 days. I actually watched the thing. :)) And...SHIT MEN. =)) =))

5. Are you a girly girl?
At times. It actually depends on my mood. But yeah, I guess.

6. Who was the last person you hugged?
Migo. Days ago. :))

7. Small or large purses?
Oh I love big colorful bags.

8. Are you short?
If I'm short, you're a toddler. :P Oops.

9. Do you like someone?
Not particularly, nah.

10. where's # 10??
Pat Henson is at HOME :))
Wait, Chezka, I get it! There's no # 10!!!

11. Do you care if your socks are dirty?
Hell yeah. GROSS.

12. Do you think you’re conceited?

13. Do you dress up on Halloween?
No. :(

14. Are you double jointed?
I'd like to think I am. =)) I can do seriously creepy crap with my joints. Ask me for a sample.

15. Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
I dunno. The ocean? With nothing but a rope to support me. Last summer. About 20 feet deep waters. :))

16. Has anyone touched/smacked your butt in the past 24 hours?
No, no.

17. Is there any type of rumor going around about you?
I guess. And it reached my Mom. And we had a TALK.

18. Do you call anybody by their last name?
Oh yeah. =)) Lots. I would think all the juniors of AA (incoming seniors) would say yes, considering that we're batchmates with Cayco. And all her friends too. :>

19. How many guys will read this?
On an average...wait, lemme check my other entries. Here. An average of 8. :| Most people who look at surveys are girls, huns.



1. Held hands with a boy?

2. Hugged a boy?

3. Touched a boy inappropriately?
No, no, no. (Naalala ko si Mica and her GLUE incident. HAHAHA :P)

4. Been touched by a boy inappropriately?
Tangna oo. :|

5. Kissed a boy?

6. Made out with a boy?

7. Been caught making out with a boy by an authority figure?
No, no, no making out. :))

8. By a friend or enemy?

9. Had sex with a boy?
NO. Waiting for the appropriate ceremonies. :)) (Read: Wedding)

10. Had oral sex?

11. Stared a boy in the eyes?
Yeah. That's a fun game.

12. Been caught having sex by an authority figure?
No, no.

13. By a friend or enemy?

14. Ran your fingers through a boys hair?
Yeah. They have short hair tho, so. Girls' hair ah bettah.

15. Had a boy run his fingers through your hair?
Yep. Back when it was long. Ngayon wala na din, igsi eh. :))

16. Sat on a boys lap?
I don't think so. Ah yeah pala.

17. Made out with a boy in the dark?
Don't. Make. Out. :))

18. Kissed a boy in the rain?

19. Kicked a boy in his sensitive area?

20. Spent more than hour flirting with a boy?
I didn't think it was flirting then.

21. Stolen your friends boyfriend?
Ah hell no. :)) Stolen my friend from the boyfriend maybe, because he was a dick. And we girls hate dicks for our chicks. :P

22. Had your boyfriend stolen by a friend?
No boyfriend, sorry :))

23. Cheated on your boyfriend?
See #22

24. Been cheated on?
Nope :P

25. Slow danced with a boy?

26. Been on a date?
I don't date, either. :D I live a pretty boring life.

27. Took a walk with a boy?

28. Told a boy he was hot?
Ah yeah, maybe.

29. Told a boy he was ugly?
See # 28

30. Been told you were hot?
See # 28

31. Been told you were ugly by a boy?
See # 28

32. Seen a boy naked in the flesh?
Yeah. Haha. But just my dear, dear, dear little brother :))

33. Dumped a boy?
See # 28

34. Been dumped?
Bakit, nanliligaw ba ko? =))

35. Asked a boy for his number?
Yep. No harm.

36. Had a boy ask for your number?
Yeah. No harm. :))

37. Embarassed yourself in front of a crush?

38. Secretly liked your best friends boyfriend?
UHM. No. =)) Tep, MINE's all YOURS. Kk? :D Walang sulutan, love.

39. What about just her crush?
AHAHA. :)) No, we have different types in guys. :)) (Well, Alyssa always have the BEST taste. :P I always have the WORST. Sorry naman.)

40. Lied to your boyfriend?
No boyfriend, hunny.

41. Been lied to by your boyfriend?

44. Slept with a boy without actually having sex?
AH yeah. SLEEP. No touching, eww. Coz I can only sleep peacefully with a male if it's my cousin. HAHAHA. =)) Safe yun eh.

45. Been over to a boys house?
Yep :P

46. Had a boy over your house?
Yeah :)

47. Done something drastic to get a boys attention?
SHAMEFULLY, yes. (AH, JANELLE! KHISH! I remember the times we shout outside our car windows >:))

48. Begged a guy to make out with you?
Hell no.

49. Been begged by a guy to make out with him?
Hell no :)

50. Slept over a boys house?


Don't You Know Who I Think I Am?


Bianca Ruiz;
Assumption Antipolo;
Ateneo de Manila University;
Management Engineering;
Occupation: Professional sleeper; Addiction: The faded era of the orange ball & persuation & color pigments;
True Addiction: Me&You.

Out To Me

Double Dead

I Constantly Thank God For Esteban Hearts

* scent of paint
* Books (with the S)
* Debate!
* Basketball (End Here)
* Tickets and jellybeans
* Reese's
* sofas
* Da Vinci, Monet, Progress, Progressive
* loving && much more loving
* Touch screen @-)
* Candy && Chocolate Bars && String Cheese!

Desperate For Attention

Scalpels && Knives

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